Special Interest Groups – General Information
SIG Membership
How to Join a SIG
Members can change their SIG selection at any time by signing into their online profile and selecting the SIG Sign-Up tab. There is no limit to how many SIGs you can join.
Logging into Teamwork
ISOQOL uses Teamwork, an online project management software, to provide SIGs with an online community for collaboration and information sharing.
Use Teamwork on your phone! Download the app.
Use Teamwork on your desktop! Log in online.
Need help navigating Teamwork? View the Teamwork help section or download the Teamwork User’s Guide.
Networking and Collaboration Opportunities
Annual Conference SIG Meetings
Every SIG has an in-person meeting at the Annual Conference. This meeting is a great way to network, plan future initiatives and connect with your peers.
Online Networking
ISOQOL uses Teamwork, an online project management software, to provide SIGs with an online community for collaboration and information sharing. We encourage you to review the Teamwork User’s Packet, available on the Online ISOQOL Resource Center, if you are not familiar with this software.
SIGs facilitate opportunities for members to network and collaborate, as well as to influence the work of the society through project proposals. All SIG members are encouraged to connect with SIG Leadership on potential projects.
SIG Projects
Not only do SIGs serve as the grassroots of ISOQOL, they also serve a vital function in providing professional development opportunities for ISOQOL members. Collaborating on a SIG project or serving a term as a SIG chair is a great way to build your CV and gain recognition in your field. Collaboration opportunities are not limited within a SIG. It is common for multiple SIGs to collaborate on a single project.
Commonly Submitted Projects
While SIG projects are not limited to the list below, these are the most common projects proposed by ISOQOL SIGs.
- Webinars
- Symposia
- Endorsed Papers
- Surveys
- Research
- Events
You can always review the SIG Annual Reports to see current and past projects from other SIGs.
2024 Annual SIG Reports
2023 Annual SIG Reports
Process for Submitting a Proposal
Please connect with your SIG Leadership before submitting a proposal. Another, similar project may be in the works. Your SIG chair can connect you for collaboration. Proposals are sent to the office where they are then forwarded to the appropriate section of ISOQOL Leadership.
Finding Collaborators
If you need help finding collaborators or fine-tuning a topic, Teamwork is a great resource for seeking help from fellow members. Many SIGs use the message thread feature in Teamwork to develop projects.
Becoming a SIG Leader
Every Spring, ISOQOL staff coordinates with current SIG leadership to identify potential candidates for future SIG Leadership positions. Whenever more than one potential candidate for a position is identified, an election is held within the SIG. If you are interested in either nominating someone or in self-nominating yourself for future SIG leadership, please contact your current SIG chair. You can find their contact information in the Member Directory or by messaging them on Teamwork.
SIG Leadership
Social Media
SIGs are encouraged to follow the official ISOQOL social media accounts. Individual SIG social media accounts are not permitted as documented in ISOQOL Policy Manual. ISOQOL staff is the sole responsible party for using social media on behalf of the association. However, SIG leaders may serve non-admin roles on specific social media platforms, if interested. Information about specific ISOQOL social media platforms are detailed below.
Each ISOQOL SIG has its own unique hashtag, which are available to view on the SIG webpage. SIG members are also encouraged to tag ISOQOL (@ISOQOL) in their tweets from their personal Twitter accounts. They may also use hashtags to categorize their tweets and connect with other SIG members on Twitter.
ISOQOL offers LinkedIn Groups for SIGs to connect outside of Teamwork. SIG leaders may reach out to the ISOQOL office to request the creation of a group and manager access. LinkedIn Groups may be used to promote the SIG and its work by sharing updates and information related to the specialty of the SIG. Since posts are only viewable to those in the LinkedIn group, members of the LinkedIn group do not need to be a member of the associated ISOQOL SIG to join.
ISOQOL offers Facebook Groups as an alternative form for SIGs to utilize social media. SIG leaders may reach out to the ISOQOL office to request the creation of a group and moderator access. Facebook Groups may be used to promote the SIG and its work by sharing updates and information related to the specialty of the SIG. Since posts in the Facebook group are public, only SIG members will be allowed to join the Facebook group.
Use of the ISOQOL Brand/Logo
Member Logo
Any ISOQOL member can use the member logo at any time. Copies of the ISOQOL Member Logo are available with black, transparent or white backgrounds on your online member profile.
Log in to your online member profile
Official ISOQOL Logo
Use of the official ISOQOL Logo is strictly prohibited without written approval from the ISOQOL Board of Directors. Such requests are generally granted through approved project proposals. Once permission is granted. Please do not download or screenshot the ISOQOL logo online. ISOQOL staff will provide you with a high quality image of the logo in an appropriate format.
Using the ISOQOL or SIG Name
Projects resulting from collaborations through the SIG network may only use the ISOQOL and/or SIG name with written permission from the board. SIGs are a community within ISOQOL. Only the Board has independent and legal authority to release official communications in ISOQOL’s name. SIG members who want official ISOQOL endorsement should work with their SIG chairs to submit a project proposal to Leadership.
Annual Reports
Projects resulting from collaborations through the SIG network may only use the ISOQOL and/or SIG name with written permission from the board. SIGs are a community within ISOQOL. Only the Board has independent and legal authority to release official communications in ISOQOL’s name. SIG members who want official ISOQOL endorsement should work with their SIG chairs to submit a project proposal to Leadership.
Endorsed Papers
Receiving official ISOQOL endorsement for a manuscript is a great way to increase paper citations and broaden the reach of your research to various stakeholders. Official ISOQOL endorsement requires Board approval. SIGs are encouraged to submit concept proposals and/or manuscript drafts resulting from collaborations within the SIG. These manuscripts can be published in an official ISOQOL Journal or other Journals of high quality.
Endorsed papers are promoted by ISOQOL by listing the paper in the Online ISOQOL Resource Center, through email and social media campaigns, and/or through the publication and distribution of press releases.
Proposal Process
Send a concept proposal and/or draft of your manuscript to info@isoqol.org before submitting your manuscript for publication. Include what Journal(s) you intend to submit your manuscript to and any pressing time considerations. Include a JPRO waiver request if applicable. A limited numbers of waivers are available for ISOQOL endorsed SIG papers. If you would like for your manuscript to be considered for this waiver, please indicate this in your request for ISOQOL endorsement. The ISOQOL Board of Directors will review this request along with the manuscript.
Conference Symposia
ISOQOL offers additional 90-minute time slots on the pre-conference day of the Annual Conference for educational symposia hosted by Special Interest Groups. Submission is optional. Detailed information on the symposium submission process is released to SIGs yearly.
All ISOQOL webinars are planned and presented by ISOQOL member volunteers. Many are the collaborative efforts of one or more Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Submitting a Proposal
If you have an idea for a webinar, please fill out and submit a Webinar Proposal Form. If you’d like to submit a proposal for a webinar series, please contact info@isoqol.org.
Expected Commitment
Before submitting a proposal, a moderator needs to be identified for the webinar. Moderator responsibilities include:
- Participating in a minimum of three planning calls over the course of 2-3 months
- Securing speakers
- Providing a short introduction at the beginning of the webinar
- Fielding questions at the end of the webinar.
- Working with ISOQOL staff on marketing and logistical details
Other SIG Driven Projects
ISOQOL SIGs are truly the grassroots of ISOQOL. Many unique project ideas emerge from SIG collaborations. SIGs are not limited to to the activities listed on this webpage. ISOQOL Leadership encourages you to submit new ideas for consideration.
Proposal Process
If you have a project or initiative, please fill out and submit a General Proposal Form and send it to info@isoqol.org.
Networking, Collaboration and Communication
Annual Conference Meetings
SIG Leaders organize the agenda for their SIG’s in-person meeting at the Annual Conference. This meeting is a great way to network, plan future initiatives and connect with your members. They are also asked to attend the ISOQOL SIG Council Meeting to network with other SIG chairs and ISOQOL leadership. ISOQOL staff will contact SIG leaders with details on the time, location and other logistics related to both of these meetings before the Annual Conference.
ISOQOL uses Teamwork, an online project management software, to provide SIGs with an online community for collaboration and information sharing. We encourage you to review the Teamwork User’s Packet, available on the Online ISOQOL Resource Center, if you are not familiar with this software.
ISOQOL Newsletter
SIGs are encouraged to share updates with the rest of the ISOQOL membership by submitting an editorial to the Online ISOQOL Newsletter. Editorial requests are reviewed according to established guidelines by the ISOQOL Communications Committee. Editorial submissions should be sent to info@isoqol.org.
Requesting Call Support
Staff is available to help set up conference or video calls for SIG Chair meetings. Send requests to info@isoqol.org.
ISOQOL uses Teamwork, an online project management software, to provide SIGs with an online community for collaboration and information sharing.
Use Teamwork on your phone! Download the app!
Basic Functions
- Tell us about you by updating your Teamwork Profile.
- Introduce yourself to fellow SIG members by posting to an “Introduce Yourself!” message thread.
- Find individuals with similar interests to you by using the people function.
Information Sharing
- Talk to your fellow SIG members through Teamwork’s message function. Topics of message threads vary from methodology/application advice to grant/job opportunities.
- Share files, make changes and retain access to previous versions of documents through Teamwork’s file share function.
- Post links to useful resources through Teamwork’s link share function.
- Working on a collaboration with fellow SIG members? Use Teamwork’s task function to assign work and set deadlines.
- Keep track of a SIG’s accomplishments with the milestone function.
First Time?
To access Teamwork you must be a member of a SIG, Committee or Task Force. You can modify your SIG memberships at any time by signing into your ISOQOL online profile.
Once you have joined a SIG, ISOQOL staff will add you as a user and an invitation will be sent to your email inbox. You must follow the instructions in the invitation email to set up your Teamwork account. Staff checks for SIG membership changes about once a month, so if you want immediate access, follow up with an email to info@isoqol.org.
Need Troubleshooting Help?
Please note that some of the articles on Teamwork’s help page provide instructions for “project administrators” (ISOQOL staff). For example, adding and editing information for other users is something only ISOQOL staff can do.

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.