Register today to attend Measuring What Matters 2024, a symposium focused on associations between social determinants of health, chronic disease, and health outcomes, including health related quality of life. Scheduled for 16-17 July 2024, this virtual event will consist of session presentations and live Q&As with the speakers. 

The registration deadline is 15 July 2024 at 11:59 pm CDT. More information about the symposium’s theme, sessions, and registration rates is available below. 

About the Symposium

There is a known association between social determinants of health (SDoH) and chronic disease disparities, and between chronic disease and health related quality of life (HRQL). Far less is known about associations among SDoH, chronic disease and health outcomes, including HRQL. This symposium proposes to highlight conceptual relationships among these concepts and stimulate research ideas, including novel methodologies to analyze relationships between SDoH and HRQL for people with chronic illness.


  • Session 1: An Overview of SDoH for Health Outcomes
    Speakers: Joanne Greenhalgh, PhD; Ghazala Mir, PhD
    Contributor: Alyson Mahar, PhD
  • Session 2: Addressing SDoH to Improve Health and Well-Being
    Speakers: Karen Hacker, MD MPH; Deborah Duran, PhD; Shari Bolen, MD MPH
  • Session 3: Methodological Approaches to Quantify SDoH
    Speakers: David Cella, PhD; Jarrod E. Dalton, PhD; Lisa Lines, PhD MPH
  • Session 4: Research in Chronic Conditions
    Speakers: Justin Abbatemarco, MD; Foster Osei Baah, MS-PhD RN; Jan R. Boehnke, PhD; Manraj Kaur, PhD
  • Session 5: Implementation Science: Application to Clinical Care and Policy
    Speakers: David Chambers, D.Phil; J. Gmerice Hammond, MD MPH; Jeff Micklos

Registration Rates

  • Members: $250
  • Non-members: $350
  • Student/Special/Retired Members: $150

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.