From the Education Committee Chairs

Explore ISOQOL’s E-learning Platform
By Josephine Norquist, MS; Elizabeth (Betsy) Tschosik, PhD; and Pip Griffiths, PhD
In fall of 2021, ISOQOL launched its e-learning platform, which hosts three established education programs: online courses, webinars and virtual symposia.
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Important Dates
23 December – 2 January:
ISOQOL office closed [Read More]
31 December:
JPRO Call for Papers Submission Deadline – “COVID-19 and patient-reported outcomes” [Read More]
11 January:
ISOQOL 2022 End of Year Membership Survey closes [Read More]
17 January:
Workshop proposals and symposium abstract submissions are due [Read More]
Science TALK
Determining the most important research topics for dementia care [Read More]
PROMs evaluating postpartum maternal HRQL [Read More]
Stakeholder-informed recommendations for national collection of electronic patient-reported outcomes for people with chronic kidney disease in the UK [Read More]
Validity arguments for patient-reported outcomes: justifying the intended interpretation and use of data [Read More]
Members TALK
2022 President’s Award Presentation – Madeleine King, PhD [View Video]
Get to Know Antonia Bennett – Departing ISOQOL Board Member Spotlight [Read More]
Get to Know Nalin Payakachat – Departing ISOQOL Board Member Spotlight [Read More]
How to Submit an Editorial
Do you have something to share about health related quality of life and patient-centered outcomes? We want to hear from you!
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The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.