From the Annual Conference Co-Chairs

Scientific content of the 2023 Annual Conference
By Kyle Kemp, PhD, and Robert Klaassen, MD FRCP(C)
We are much honored to be the Scientific Program Co-Chairs of the ISOQOL 30th Annual Conference.
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Important Dates
31 October:
JPRO Co-Editor-in-Chief applications due
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December 2023:
Journal Associate Editor applications due
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Science TALK
Defining Critical Patient-Reported Outcomes to Build ePRO-Based Pathway for Patient Care After Radiation for Head and Neck Cancer [Read More]
Measuring QOL for patients’ family members [Read More]
Lessons learned from the SYMPRO-Lung trial: Translating the trial experiences with symptom monitoring into clinical implementation [Read More]
Measuring QOL of children and adolescents with advanced cancer [Read More]
Scaling up a measurement model for rare disease clinical trials: Expanding the ORCA measure [Read More]
Translation and linguistic validation of the EXACT tool [Read More]
The QUEST Initiative: Assessing patient-reported outcomes in patients with chronic conditions prescribed medicinal cannabis in Australia [Read More]
Contextualizing PROMs using personas and journey maps [Read More]
Does context matter? The impact of an osteoarthritis exercise program on quality of life across diverse settings [Read More]
Item bank for measuring communicative participation [Read More]
Three SIG Symposia will be held on Wednesday, 18 October. These symposia provide educational content related to the special interest and expertise of the groups hosting the session.
- International Perspectives of Patient Engagement in Quality of Life Research
Presented by Australia and New Zealand SIG, Canada-PRO SIG & Patient Engagement SIG - How Health Preference Research can enhance the development and use of PROs to inform decision-making and clinical practice
Presented by Health Preference Research SIG - Considerations for the use of Patient-Reported Outcomes data for RWE studies in Industry
Presented by Industry SIG
How to Submit an Editorial
Do you have something to share about health related quality of life and patient-centered outcomes? We want to hear from you!
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The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.