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The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.

Why Join ISOQOL?

Find Your Community

ISOQOL members cultivate global connections and form lifelong bonds with fellow professionals from a diverse group of industries, sectors and fields who seek to advance the science of HRQL.

Develop Your Career

Students, new investigators, retirees, and established or late-career professionals all have a place at ISOQOL. Members have special access to:

  • Online and in-person networking, collaboration, publication and speaking opportunities
  • Professional mentor/mentee programs
  • The most recent job openings related to HRQL research
  • Participate in society governance

Learn and Educate

While many of ISOQOL’s education initiatives are open to anyone with an interest in the theory, methods, standards and best practices, or application of HRQL research, members receive discounted rates. By participating in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees, members are also able to directly influence the education opportunities available.


Stay Informed

New health care trends and technologies are emerging rapidly with HRQL research playing an increasingly important role in health care decisions and policy. ISOQOL keeps members informed of the latest news through publications, online communications and in person events.


Member Resources

Who Can Join ISOQOL?

Individuals at any career stage may join ISOQOL. Membership to ISOQOL is open and no application is required – all who want to join, can join.

Members represent the following fields:

  • Academia: Anyone employed by or participating at a university or teaching facility.
  • Clinical Practice: Anyone engaged in medical training or employed by a hospital, clinic, etc. This includes clinicians and health care personnel.
  • Regulatory Agency: Anyone employed by a government or regulatory agency/organization.
  • Business/Consultancy /Insurance Company: Anyone employed by a business entity that provides services in HRQL fields.
  • Pharmaceutical/Biotech/Medical Device Company: Anyone employed by a manufacturing entity or biotech entity in HRQL fields.
  • Patient Research Partners: Anyone who is a patient, represents a group of patients, or is affiliated with a patient advocacy group.
  • Other: Examples include but are not limited to society and association staff

Membership Dues

ISOQOL membership dues vary depending on the individual member’s background and career stage. We strive to ensure that membership is affordable for everyone.

Membership is available at the following annual rates:

Regular Membership

$165.00 USD

Professionals in the field of HRQL and patient-centered outcomes (PCOs) qualify for this rate.

Regular membership offers full benefits and privileges including voting and the ability to hold leadership positions within the society.

Special Membership

$45.00 USD

Individuals who reside in an eligible developing nation or who have an annual income less than $15,000 (USD)/year qualify for this rate.

Special membership offers the same member benefits and privileges as regular membership, but at a discounted rate.

Patient Research Partner (PRP) Membership

$165.00 USD – Regular

$60.00 USD – Affiliate

Patient partners, professionals or individuals interested in supporting the purposes of ISOQOL and the field of HRQL and PCOs qualify for this rate.

Regular PRP membership offers the same member benefits and privileges as full membership.

Affiliate PRP membership offers limited membership benefits including membership to Committees, Task Forces and Special Interest Groups, but does not include the privilege of voting, or holding elected leadership positions, including holding a board seat.

Student/Trainee Membership

$60.00 USD

Individuals who qualify for this membership type include anyone enrolled in:

  • a full-time accredited training program in a relevant field
  • a pre/postdoctoral program
  • a resident program
  • a fellowship program

Student/Trainee membership offers the same benefits and privileges as regular membership, but at a discounted rate.

Student/Trainee members must provide information about their education program, expected completion dates, and proof of status with their membership form or via their online profile.

Retiree Membership

$60.00 USD

Individuals who have retired and/or are no longer practicing in the field of HRQL and PCOs, but wish to continue contributing to the field and the society qualify for this rate.

Retired membership offers the same member benefits and privileges as regular membership, but at a discounted rate.

Please note, ISOQOL membership operates on a calendar year (January to December). All 2024 dues payments will be valid from now through 31 December 2024.

Please allow up to one business day for membership to update. For immediate member access, contact

Member Volunteers

Volunteers gain valuable professional experience while also investing in the growth of ISOQOL and the field of HRQL research.

ISOQOL volunteers build their resumes, hone their leadership skills, and forge vital professional connections. In return, volunteers provide mentorship to early-career professionals, leadership to committees and strategic initiatives, expertise to scientific programs, and more.

Members from all professional backgrounds and career stages are invited to volunteer.

Current Opportunities

ISOQOL and our collaborative partners have both ongoing and time-limited volunteer opportunities. This page is continuously updated with new opportunities, so check back often. ISOQOL members also receive email alerts about volunteer opportunities.

Unless otherwise stated, you must be an ISOQOL member to volunteer for any of the opportunities below.



Peer review is an essential part of research publication. Although ISOQOL encourages all members to volunteer as a peer reviewer for either the ISOQOL-owned Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (JPRO) or the Springer-owned and ISOQOL-affiliated Quality of Life Research Journal (QLR), you do not need to be an ISOQOL member to volunteer.

Peer Review Tutorial

Become a Reviewer Instructions

Become a JPRO Reviewer

Become a QLR Reviewer

Associate Editor

Associate Editors support and advise Editors-in-Chiefs by:

  • Coordinating peer review
  • Acting as a liaison between authors, reviewers and the Editorial Board
  • Writing short editorials, news and research highlights
  • Carrying out heavy technical editing of manuscripts

Associate Editor applicants are expected to have past experience as a peer reviewer. The appointment of applicants is subject to the approval of the ISOQOL Board of Directors.

Expected Commitment
Volunteers are expected to serve a three-year term. Associate Editors are eligible for stipends.

The Role of an Editorial Board

Call for Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes Associate Editors

The Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (JPRO) is seeking to recruit new Associate Editors for multiple open positions.

Preferred Experience
We are seeking applicants with expertise in qualitative methods and applications. We are also seeking expertise in the early development of patient experience measures, patient engagement measures, health related quality of life measures, and/or in cultural translations of these measures.

Preference will be given to those who have published some of that work in and served as a reviewer for the International Society of Quality of Life Research’s JPRO or Quality of Life Research journals. Associate Editors will be committed to working on the JPRO editorial board team to improve the quality of submitted papers and efficiency of manuscript processing and the impact of the journal.

Eligible persons will have published scientific works in the fields of patient-reported outcomes. Associate Editors need to be members-in-good standing of ISOQOL.

How to Apply
If interested, please send to the Co-Editors-in-Chief at your earliest convenience:

  • Your curriculum vitae
  • A cover letter stating:
    • Your background in patient-reported experience measures, patient-engagement, and health related quality of life research
    • Your experience as a reviewer and editor
    • Your areas of expertise
    • Your reasons for seeking the role of Associate Editor for the journal

The appointment of Associate Editors to the journal is subject to the approval of the Board of the International Society for Quality of Life Research.



JPRO and QLR each have two Editor-in-Chiefs (EICs). EICs are responsible for the overall editorial policy, planning and coordination of the journal. The day-to-day responsibilities of an EIC include:

  • Initial screening of manuscript submissions for relevance and quality
  • Assignment of manuscripts to members of the Editorial Board (including him/herself) for further peer review
  • Maintaining close contact with the editorial office at Springer, which coordinates the logistics of the editorial management process
  • Advising the editorial board and the editorial management team on matters arising both of a general policy nature, and regarding specific manuscripts.

The responsibilities and tasks of the EICs are primarily scientific in nature. Responsibility for the business and financial management of the journal rests with the publisher, the ISOQOL board and the ISOQOL executive management team. The editorial management process is fully automated with excellent logistical support provided by Springer.

EIC applicants are expected to have past experience as an Associate Editor. The appointment of applicants is subject to the approval of the ISOQOL Board of Directors.

Expected Commitment
Volunteers are expected to serve a four-year term and can expect to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week on the journal. Editors-in-Chief receive stipends.

There are currently no open Editor-in-Chief positions. An official call for volunteers will be released to the membership when there is an opening.


Board of Directors

The nominations period for three opening Director-at-Large positions, the President-Elect position, and the Secretary-Treasurer position is now closed. An official call for volunteers will be released to the membership when there is an opening.

Board Duties and Responsibilities

All board members are expected to attend two face-to-face meetings; one just prior to the Annual Conference and a second mid–year meeting. Expenses to travel to the board meeting not coinciding with the Annual Conference are covered by ISOQOL. Two conference calls are also required, along with any agreed-upon project work.

President-Elect Position

The President-Elect will serve a one-year term (2024-2025). The President-Elect will assume the Presidency at the 2025 Annual Conference and will serve a two-year term as President (2025-2027). Upon completion of the term as President, a one-year term as Past President will be served (2027-2028). This position is a four (4) year commitment.

Duties for the President-Elect/Past President include:

  • Serve on the Executive Committee and attend monthly calls.
  • Serve in the absence of the president.
  • Perform such duties as identified in the bylaws or assigned by the president.
  • Serve as Chair of the Nominations Committee.

Duties for the President include:

  • Serve as the chief elected officer over the organization.
  • Attend weekly calls with Executive Director.
  • Preside over all meetings or identify a designee.
  • Interface with the executive director, board of directors, executive committee, and committees.
  • Appoint ad hoc committees or task forces.
  • Appoint committees in accordance with bylaws.
  • Serve as the primary spokesperson for the Board of Directors and the Society.
Secretary-Treasurer Position

The Secretary-Treasurer will serve a three-year term (2024-2027) commencing directly after the Annual Conference. The Secretary-Treasurer is an officer of the society and serves on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee convenes once a month via a conference call to advise and assist the president and to oversee the operations of the Society. The Executive Committee may act on behalf of the Board in the interim of scheduled meetings and shall report to the Board any actions for ratification.

Duties for the Secretary-Treasurer include:

  • Oversee the custody of all organization records.
  • Monitor the accuracy and timely distribution of meeting minutes.
  • Serve as liaison to review bylaws and policy manual.
  • Oversee the custody of all organization funds.
  • Work with staff to create an annual budget for board approval.
  • Review and approve checks over $5,000.
  • Perform such duties as identified in the bylaws or as assigned by the president.

Board members actively promote the mission of ISOQOL and manage and oversee ISOQOL’s Strategic Plan, business strategies, and all activities developed through the various working groups of ISOQOL. Each board member shall participate and lead in the activities of ISOQOL and serve as a council liaison.

Directors-at-Large shall serve a term of three (3) years and may not succeed themselves.

Duties include:

  • Understand and promote the organization’s mission and bylaws, policies, goals and strategic plan to represent all ISOQOL members.
  • Prepare for and attend the full board meetings for the purpose of ensuring good governance and strategic overview of ISOQOL.
  • Support the President, Board of Directors, and Staff to strength programs and services and ensure legal and ethical integrity within the organization.
  • Undertake various tasks determined by the Board including service as a board liaison to a committee, task force or program.
  • Stay current on issues and trends impacting the organization and contribute to the discussion of documents provided at the board meetings.
  • Serve as a council liaison to the committees, SIGs and/or task forces.
  • Treat all information learned or shared at meetings as ISOQOL intellectual property.
  • Take an active role in the annual scientific program by volunteering as a reviewer of abstracts, participant as a mentor in the mentor/mentee initiative and other areas where needed.
  • Assist the ISOQOL office in activities to raise funds and resources for the Society’s activities.

Committees are charged with oversight of ongoing activities driven by the Strategic Plan and direction from the Board. ISOQOL members are encouraged to serve on a committee to lend their expertise and their voice to the society.

View Committee Profiles

There are currently no open committee positions. An official call for volunteers will be released to the membership when there is an opening.

SIG Chairs

SIG chairs are charged with helping SIG members coordinate collaboration activities. They are also responsible for sharing projects with Board Liaisons to help determine when Board guidance is needed. For example, many SIG members collaborate on papers together. Your SIG chair and Board Liaison may recommend SIG papers meeting certain requirements to the Board for official ISOQOL endorsement.

Expected Commitment
SIG projects vary widely and so does the amount of commitment needed to particpate.

Calls for SIG chairs and SIG projects are coordinated by the SIGs themselves, therefore all calls for volunteers are issued via the Teamwork Message Boards.


General Information

ISOQOL is always open to new ideas! If you have an idea you think will be of benefit to ISOQOL members, then fill out this General Concept Proposal Form and email the completed form to As new concepts/initiatives are proposed, the ISOQOL Board of Directors will review the proposal to determine if the concept aligns with the ISOQOL Strategic Plan and budgets.

Annual Conference

Abstract Reviewer

Abstract reviewers serve a vital role in the scientific program planning process by ensuring the quality of educational content presented at the ISOQOL Annual Conference. Volunteers review each proposal or abstract based on the provided reviewer criteria and provide both a rating and comments to assist the Scientific Program Committee with abstract selection. Serving as a reviewer is an excellent way to build your resume, share your expertise and support ISOQOL.

Expected Commitment
Volunteers are expected to serve as a reviewer during a three to four week period. Specific review periods are posted on the Annual Conference page.
Volunteers are assigned 5-15 abstracts to review and can choose to complete reviews quickly in one sitting or slowly throughout the review period.

The call for 2024 abstract reviewers is now closed.

Mentor/Mentee Matching

ISOQOL supports our members by facilitating the matching of mentors and mentees and providing an opportunity for them to meet in person at the Annual Conference. Mentor-mentee matching helps new members navigate the society’s diverse network, supports the development of meaningful professional connections, and helps advance the HRQL field as a whole. Mentoring is an exciting volunteer opportunity, and a great way for seasoned professionals to give back and support the next generation of HRQL professionals.

Attendance at the Annual Conference is required to participate as a mentor or mentee. Before the Annual Conference, the Mentor/Mentee Co-Chairs carefully match mentors to mentees, who then meet in person. From that point, mentors and mentees decide together how to continue their professional relationship. Some mentors and mentees matched by ISOQOL continue to stay in touch for many years.

Mentors are individuals established in their field, and are typically longtime members of ISOQOL. They provide guidance to mentees with the overall objective of making a positive impact on their development as professionals. The typical ISOQOL mentor is someone who is passionate about sharing advice and knowledge. Mentors often help mentees define their professional goals and can then serve as an accountability partner to help the mentee meets those goals.

Mentees are individuals in training, recent graduates or new ISOQOL members. The typical ISOQOL mentee is someone who is passionate about learning, is seeking career advice and professional networking connections, and appreciates the time dedicated by the mentor.

Expected Commitment
Before the Annual Conference, ISOQOL office staff will connect each mentor/mentee pair to informally “e-meet” one another. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to connect several times by phone or email before meeting face-to-face at the conference.

At the Annual Conference, ISOQOL hosts a casual Mentor/Mentee Reception for participants to come together and connect face-to-face. Relationships are fostered at this event, where individuals share their work, career ambitions, and questions and answers. From there, mentors and mentees can stay in touch and continue to develop their mentorship long-term as desired.

Registration information for the 2024 Mentor/Mentee Program is part of the Annual Conference registration form. The deadline to sign up for this year’s Mentor/Mentee Reception is 1 September. 

Workshop/Symposium Proposals

ISOQOL members have a strong influence on the Annual Conference scientific program. In addition to participating in general scientific sessions, ISOQOL members can also submit proposals for Symposia and Workshops. Visit the Annual Conference page for in-depth instructions on submitting proposals.

Expected Commitment
By submitting a workshop proposal, you are indicating you have a developed educational session that you (along with possible co-authors) intend to present. You will collaborate independently with these co-authors to develop the materials for the workshop and are available to attend the Annual Conference.

When submitting a symposium proposal, the proposed moderator must provide a synopsis of the overall session. In addition, each co-presenter must submit an abstract that ties to the symposium topic. The moderator will collaborate (independently from ISOQOL staff) with the co-presenters to develop the talks for the 75 minute session.

Workshop and symposium proposal submissions for the 31st Annual Conference are now closed.



All ISOQOL webinars are planned and presented by ISOQOL member volunteers. Many are the collaborative efforts of one or more Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

If you have an idea for a webinar, please submit a Webinar Proposal Form on the ISOQOL e-learning platform. If you need help finding speakers or fine-tuning a topic, Teamwork is a great resource for seeking help from fellow members. Many SIGs use the message thread feature in Teamwork to develop webinars.

Expected Commitment
By submitting a proposal, you are also volunteering to act as the Moderator for the webinar. Moderator responsibilities include:

  • Participating in a minimum of three planning calls over the course of 2-3 months
  • Securing speakers
  • Providing a short introduction at the beginning of the webinar
  • Fielding questions at the end of the webinar.
  • Working with ISOQOL staff on marketing and logistical details
Virtual Symposia Topic Proposals

ISOQOL members are the driving force behind ISOQOL’s virtual symposia program, formerly known as Measuring What Matters (MWM). Starting in 2025, two virtual symposia will be held every year. Topic proposals open every September and January.

Expected Commitment
By submitting a proposal, you are also volunteering to act as co-chair of the virtual symposium if your topic is selected. Co-chairs work with ISOQOL Staff and are responsible for:

  • Developing a program outline with topics
  • Developing the curriculum
  • Developing session learning objectives
  • Proposing speakers/presenters
  • Attending monthly/biweekly calls with staff & speakers
  • Review speaker presentations/content and provide feedback
  • Moderate sessions on live days
  • Estimated time commitment:
    • Within 15 months of planning:
      • 10 monthly calls with ISOQOL staff and co-chairs
      • Monthly calls (4 months prior to the live event) with ISOQOL staff and speakers from each session.

Topic proposal submissions for the 2025 Virtual Symposia are now closed.

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.