Have you ever felt like you were drowning in data and were tempted to summarise it as an average? The central tendency is not your friend. Reducing data leads to a loss of information and while this can help make data sets manageable, there are techniques available to avoid this.
During the fourth session of the 2021 Measuring What Matters Symposium, speakers will discuss how intensive longitudinal data analysis can maximise the use of your collected data and allows you to answer a range of additional questions. If you’ve got a lot of data, why not try and use it all?
Carrie Houts, PhD,
Vector Psychometric Group
Carrie R. Houts, PhD, is director of psychometrics at Vector Psychometric Group, LLC, joining the company in 2011. She received her PhD in Quantitative Psychology from The Ohio State University. Her primary areas of interest involve methodological issues in measurement with a special focus on item response theory and factor analysis and the application of modern measurement techniques to substantive areas. Her methodological and substantive works have appeared in such publications as Psychological Methods, Applied Psychological Measurement, Journal of Consumer Affairs, and Quality of Life Research.
Don Hedeker, PhD,
University of Chicago
Donald Hedeker, PhD, is a Professor of Biostatistics in the Department of Public Health Sciences at The University of Chicago. Don’s main expertise is in the development of methods for clustered and longitudinal data, with emphasis on mixed-effects models. With Robert Gibbons, Don is the author of the text “Longitudinal Data Analysis,” published by Wiley in 2006. He is also the primary author of several freeware computer programs for mixed-effects analysis. Don was named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2000, and he is an Associate Editor for Statistics in Medicine.
Willie Muehlhausen,
Safira Clinical Research
Willie is a successful intrapreneur who turned entrepreneur when he co-founding Safira Clinical Research in 2021. For more than 20 years he worked with leading eCOA vendors and for the last 10 years he collaborated with other researchers to improve patients’ experience in a clinical trial. Willie has led initiatives in BYOD, wearable devices, instrument validation process and standardisation of implementation processes. His work helps to understand what matters to patients and supports eCOA products and DCT projects globally. Willie currently researches possible uses of AI/ML and Blockchain in eCOA to further improve the eCOA experience for all.
Register today to attend Measuring What Matters, a symposium focused on intensive longitudinal measurement. Scheduled for 19-20 July 2021, this virtual event will consist of session presentations and live Q&As with the speakers. Recordings of the symposium will be archived for future access for registrants unable to attend the live presentations in July.

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.