ISOQOL member volunteers provide invaluable leadership to the society and help advance the field of health related quality of life. New leaders have begun their roles following the 2023 Annual Conference. Congratulations to the following new Special Interest Group (SIG) leaders:
Jessica Roydhouse, PhD
Tasmania, Australia
Chair-Elect of the Australia and New Zealand SIG
Imogen Ramsey, PhD
South Australia, Australia
Secretary/Treasurer of the Australia and New Zealand SIG
Harpreet Chhina, PhD
British Columbia, Canada
Chair-Elect of the Child Health SIG
Wenjie Duan, PhD
Co-Chair of the Chinese PRO SIG
Monika Sztankay, PhD
Chair of the German-speaking Countries SIG
Klara Greffin, Dipl -Psych.
Chair-Elect of the German-speaking Countries SIG
Ana Maria Rodriguez-Leboeuf, PhD MSc PT
Chair-Elect of the Health Preference Research SIG
Milena D. Anatchkova, PhD
Maryland, United States
Co-Chair of the Industry SIG
Takuhiro Yamaguchi, PhD
Co-Chair of the Japan SIG
Amanda Barbeau, MPH
Minnesota, United States
Chair-Elect of the Mixed Methods SIG
Jae-Yung Kwon, PhD RN
British Columbia, Canada
Co-Chair of the New Investigators SIG
Jeffrey J. Swigris, DO MS
Colorado, United States
Chair-Elect of the Psychometrics SIG
Amy Cizik, PhD MPH
Utah, United States
Chair-Elect of the QOL in Clinical Practice SIG
Robyn Carson, MPH
New Jersey, United States
Chair of the Regulatory and Health Technology Assessment Engagement (R&HE) SIG
Wen-Hung Chen, PhD
Maryland, United States
Chair-Elect of the Regulatory and Health Technology Assessment Engagement (R&HE) SIG
Justin Baker, MD FAAP FAAHPM
Tennessee, United States
Co-Chair of the Response Shift SIG
Libby L. Floden, PhD MPH
Arizona, United States
Co-Chair of the Statistics SIG
Barbara Brandt, MA
Connecticut, United States
Co-Chair of the Translation & Cultural Adaptation SIG
Matt Hall, BSc MSc
United Kingdom
Chair-Elect of the United Kingdom & Ireland SIG

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.