Joanne Greenhalgh, PhD
University of Leeds
Hello everyone. As we are halfway through 2023, I would like to give you a brief update on current developments at ISOQOL. First, I would like to thank all of you who contribute to the Special Interest Groups (SIGs), committees, and e-learning programs for making these initiatives possible.
As I mentioned in my last letter, this year has introduced the start of a new strategic planning process that will determine the direction for the Society in the upcoming years. The ISOQOL Board of Directors met in June to discuss the results of the survey that was conducted among ISOQOL members and other key opinion leaders. Thank you to all who participated in the survey, your input was incredibly helpful! Although items are still being finalized through discussions with the ISOQOL Board of Directors, I hope to share the key topics and goals of the new Strategic Plan with you soon.
In July, the live Measuring What Matters Symposium “Measuring What Matters in Oncology: Translating research into clinical practice using clinical registries” was a great success. The virtual symposium focused on clinical (quality) registries in oncology and explored the role of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) as part of these registries. If this is an area of interest, view the on-demand recordings of the symposium on the ISOQOL e-learning platform.
A live webinar will also be held on the e-learning platform next week on 5 September, titled “Transitioning Between Academia and Industry: A Career Panel.” If this topic interests you, hurry and sign up! The webinar is available to all at no additional cost, and registration closes on 4 September.
I am delighted to announce the arrival of the new ISOQOL Digital Health and eCOA SIG, which will promote the visibility of digital measures and eCOA related to the development and use of COAs by facilitating collaborations between academia, industry, consultants, COA developers, and pharmaceutical sponsors. The Digital Health and eCOA SIG’s first meeting will be held at the 2023 Annual Conference on Friday, 20 October, from 7:00 – 8:00 am.
Speaking of the 30th Annual Conference, registration is now open! Visit 30th-annual-conference/ to learn more about the conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada this October. I also encourage you to join us at the Experience Calgary Social Event for a unique opportunity to network and toast another successful year of QOL research. Tickets for the social event can be purchased through conference registration.
We also will be offering two new events at the conference this year: Building on IPRO and Building on IPCOR. If you have taken the IPRO or IPCOR educational course in the past or are familiar with the course content, these events are a great way to build on those skills and engage with the instructors and other individuals interested in the same topic. This year’s Building on IPRO event will include a special focus on the new FDA PFDD 4 Guidance.
None of the opportunities listed throughout this newsletter would be possible without your continued hard work, passion and innovative thinking. Please, do get involved in SIGs, consider organizing a webinar or virtual symposia, and contribute to the Society within your possibilities. Our membership is what makes ISOQOL a success!
This newsletter editorial represents the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of ISOQOL.
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The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.