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  3. 32nd Annual Conference
  4.  » Registration

Annual Conference Registration

Conference registration includes ISOQOL membership dues, so you will be asked to sign in to your ISOQOL Account to update your contact information and confirm your membership type before proceeding with conference registration. View the Registration Instructions if you have questions about logging in to your ISOQOL Account.

Registration for the 2025 Annual Conference will open in early May.

Registration Benefits

  • Access to scientific content from Thursday – Saturday, including all plenary sessions, oral and poster sessions, and symposia.
  • Access to the exhibit area and the Welcome Reception on Wednesday evening.
  • Morning coffee service daily, from first session through conclusion of morning poster session, Thursday – Saturday.
  • Afternoon coffee break daily, Thursday – Saturday.
  • Buffet lunch daily, Thursday – Saturday.
  • Membership dues
    • ISOQOL member registration includes 2026 membership with continued access to full member benefits.
    • Non-member registration includes prorated 2025 membership and 2026 membership with access to full member benefits.
  • Additional conference events such as SIG Meetings are also included in your registration fees.

Registration Rates

2025 Annual Conference Registration Member Rates*

*For descriptions of the different ISOQOL membership types, click here.

2025 Annual Conference Registration Non-Member Rates*

All registration rates are in US dollars and include membership, conference fees and three buffet lunches.

**The Special Member and Special Non-Member Registration Rates are for individuals with an annual income of less than $15,000 USD and/or individuals from developing countries. Click here for a list of eligible countries.

Please note: All registration deadlines end at 6:59 PM Central Time on the day of their deadline. View a Time Zone Converter here.

The platform for online pre-registration closes on Wednesday, 15 October at 11:59 PM Central Time. After this date, delegates can purchase registration, ticketed items or complete outstanding payments at the Registration Desk starting on Wednesday, 22 October. 

Ticketed Events

Tickets are required for workshops, roundtables, SIG symposia, and the Social Event. Event tickets can be purchased for an additional fee through conference registration.

Non-members who are not attending the conference may purchase a ticket to the workshops at the Non-Conference Attendee rate within their classification. Members who are not attending the conference may purchase a ticket to the workshops at the Attendee rate within their classification.

Workshop Tickets: Conference Attendees

Note: These ticket rates apply for all conference attendees and for ISOQOL members not attending the conference.

Half-Day Workshops

Full-Day Workshops

Workshop Tickets: Non-conference Attendees (Wednesday Only)

Note: These ticket rates apply for all non-members not attending the conference.

Half-Day Workshops

Full-Day Workshops


SIG Symposia

Social Event

Instructions and Information

Payment Information

Payment for registration fees must be made in US dollars. ISOQOL accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express credit cards. Checks are accepted, but must be in US dollars, drawn on a US bank and payable to ISOQOL. Payment by electronic bank transfer is also accepted. Registrants are responsible for paying any wire fees associated with their payment.

Note: If you submitted a wire transfer to pay for your registration cost, please note that it may take up to 10 business days for the funds to appear on the ISOQOL bank statement. If your wire transfer is pending, please note that ISOQOL reserves the right to charge a credit card for the outstanding balance prior to receiving your registration materials. Upon receipt of the wire transfer, a refund will be applied to the credit card charged onsite.

Contact the ISOQOL Office at for details.

Registration Instructions and Information

Because conference registration includes ISOQOL membership dues, you will be asked to sign into your ISOQOL Account to update your contact information and confirm your membership type before proceeding with conference registration. ​Passwords can be reset by clicking Login Help.

New users will be asked to create an ISOQOL Account before continuing.

Media Disclaimer
By registering for the ISOQOL Annual Conference, you give your consent to be photographed/filmed by ISOQOL staff for purposes of advertising and public display.

Communication Disclaimer 
Registering/attending this event constitutes consent for the ISOQOL to communicate with you via fax, email, mail, text messaging, instant messaging, and social media to make you aware of products and services.

ISOQOL Attendee List
Please indicate on the online registration form if you allow ISOQOL to INCLUDE your email address and contact information on the ISOQOL Attendee List for distribution to all conference delegates and sponsors/exhibitors.

Recording Policy

Photography, video or audio recording (including screen capture) of ISOQOL sessions, digital materials, or ISOQOL graphics without written permission from ISOQOL is strictly prohibited.

Note that photographs and video recordings taken by or on behalf of ISOQOL are the property of ISOQOL.

Letters of Invitation

The ISOQOL office will send letters of invitation upon request. Please note, in order to receive this letter, participants must be the presenting author on an accepted abstract at the Annual Conference. ISOQOL cannot issue letters for family members or other individuals without an abstract.

It should be understood that this letter is only to help participants raise travel funds or obtain a visa and is not a commitment on the part of ISOQOL to provide financial support.

To find out if a visa is required to enter the country, or how long an application will take to process, please check with your local embassy. We advise you to request a letter of invitation from ISOQOL at your earliest convenience.

To request a letter of invitation, email the ISOQOL Office at Please include the following:

  • Full name, postal, and email address of each individual requesting a letter of invitation.
  • Embassy or consulate to which the letter should be addressed.

Letters of invitation will be emailed to the requesting individual, NOT to the embassy or consulate. Please allow up to five (5) business days for processing your request.

Certificates of Attendance and Presentation

The ISOQOL Office will automatically email electronic copies of the certificates of presentation and/or attendance to all registrants, provided that they attend the conference in-person. Attendees may request printed copies of their certificate(s) onsite at the registration desk. Note: Presentation certificates are issued to the presenting author for general abstracts only.

Cancellation Policy and Fees

All conference registration cancellations by participants should be made through the event registration website. A cancellation fee is incurred based on the date of cancellation and your registration classification, as follows:

  • Cancellations made by 30 June 2025: 15% of total registration costs
  • Cancellations made between 1 July and 22 September 2025: 50% of total registration costs
  • Cancellations made on or after 23 September 2025: No refund

Ticketed Events: Cancellation for ticketed events made before 23 September will be granted a full refund. Cancellations for ticketed events received starting 23 September will not be eligible for a refund.

Swap Registration Fee

For requests received by the ISOQOL Office to transfer a registration to another person, ISOQOL reserves the right to charge a swap fee based on the date the request is received. No swaps will be accepted starting 23 September.


ISOQOL shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by individual delegates.

ISOQOL reserves the right to cancel any event due to lack of enrollment or other factors. If ISOQOL cancels an event, registered participants will be notified by email and will have the option to exchange their ticket for an available alternative, or to receive a complete refund.

Attendees agree to waive any and all claims for damages or compensation resulting from or relating to the cancellation, postponement, renaming, relocation or rescheduling of the Event. ISOQOL may (at its sole discretion) change the format (including, without limitation, from a physical in-person Event to a virtual Event and vice versa), speakers, participants, content, venue location and program or any other aspect of the Event at any time and for any reason, whether or not due to a Force Majeure Event (any event or circumstance arising that is beyond the reasonable control of ISOQOL), in each case without liability.

In order to take advantage of the Early Bird or Advanced Registration Rates for the conference, registration must be completed by the applicable deadlines noted in the registration rates tables above. If you are unable to complete payment at the time of registration, you may select invoice as your method of payment. For invoices, payment must be completed within 30 days from the time of the invoice.

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.