It’s time to renew your ISOQOL membership; renewals are open now through 31 January, and can be completed at the ISOQOL website.*
Why Join?
ISOQOL members belong to a global community of researchers, clinicians, industry professionals, regulatory leaders, patients, and other professionals who share a passion for quality of life research. Members represent a diversity of nations, backgrounds, and career stages.
View benefits.
Additionally, dues are available at reduced rates for students, retired professionals, individuals who have an annual income less than $15,000 USD, and individuals who reside in an eligible developing nation.
We look forward to receiving your membership renewal soon. Don’t hesitate to contact the ISOQOL office if you need assistance.
*Note that if you attended the 2022 Annual Conference in-person, 2023 dues were included in your registration – so your renewal is already complete, and you can take advantage of member benefits immediately.
ISOQOL Member Benefits:
- Discounted registration for education and networking events, including the Annual Conference, Measuring What Matters Symposium, webinars and online education
- Submission discount for ISOQOL’s official open access journal, Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (JPRO)
- An online subscription and discounted print subscription to the Quality of Life Research journal (QLR)
- Discounted access to the Patient-Reported Outcome and Quality of Life Instruments Database (PROQOLID)
- Leadership and volunteer opportunities
- Networking and collaboration opportunities through SIGs
- Exclusive access to the ISOQOL Member Directory
- Eligibility for awards and travel scholarships
We want to hear from you!
Please take a few minutes to complete ISOQOL’s end of year membership survey by 11 January 2023. We are seeking your feedback on how satisfied you are with your ISOQOL membership, and what is important to you.

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.