Application: Clinical Care Applications Abstracts in this category include reports of efforts to integrate the patient’s voice more effectively into clinical encounters. Examples include descriptions of experiences implementing a standardized PRO collection system in...
Application: Clinical Research Abstracts in this category use patient-centered measures to better understand the nature, prevention, treatment and management of different health conditions. Approaches used in this category could include qualitative or quantitative,...
Methodological Work in this category reports on qualitative or quantitative methods for developing and evaluating patient-reported health status, as well as methods for analyzing and interpreting scores from such measures of health assessments. While the work might...
Theoretical Work Abstracts in this category use theory to advance the understanding of HRQL phenomena. Such work might include novel efforts to explain known associations or relationships observed in the literature; modifications or extensions to theories that are...
The Template When writing a plain English summary for your journal submission, use the following sections as a template for how to begin: What is the key problem/issue/question this manuscript addresses? Why is this study needed? What is the main point of your study?...
Make it relevant Give the reader a reason to care about what you do. Focus on the relevance and/or the application of your research for patients/clinicians/etc. Why is your work important to them? What are the benefits? Address their “so what?” questions. The text...