Get to Know Antonia Bennett – Departing ISOQOL Board Member Spotlight

Interview with: Antonia V. Bennett, PhDUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Antonia Bennett, PhD, has been active in ISOQOL for many years and most recently served on the ISOQOL Board of Directors from 2019 to 2022. With her term as a Director-at-Large having...
Don’t miss out on benefits: Renew your ISOQOL membership!

Don’t miss out on benefits: Renew your ISOQOL membership!

It’s time to renew your ISOQOL membership; renewals are open now through 31 January, and can be completed at the ISOQOL website.* Why Join? ISOQOL members belong to a global community of researchers, clinicians, industry professionals, regulatory leaders, patients,...
Awards Presented at the 2022 Annual Conference

Awards Presented at the 2022 Annual Conference

President’s Award The President’s Award is awarded to individuals who have advanced health related quality of life (HRQL) research and made outstanding contributions to the ISOQOL in one or more of the following areas: Education of professionals, patients or lay...