Now Open: Late Abstract Submissions

Now Open: Late Abstract Submissions

​Late abstract submissions are now open for poster consideration at the 2023 Annual Conference. Abstracts will be peer reviewed and subject to selection. Accepted abstracts will be presented as traditional posters during the Annual Conference and published in...
MWM 2023 Session 3 Spotlight: Integrating PROMs into Clinical Care

MWM 2023 Session 3 Spotlight: Integrating PROMs into Clinical Care

Register today to attend Measuring What Matters, a symposium focused on how Australia uses clinical (quality) registries in oncology and the role of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) as part of these registries. Scheduled for 18 July 2023, this virtual event...
MWM 2023 Session 3 Spotlight: Integrating PROMs into Clinical Care

MWM 2023 Session 2 Spotlight: Examples of PROMs in Registries

Register today to attend Measuring What Matters, a symposium focused on how Australia uses clinical (quality) registries in oncology and the role of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) as part of these registries. Scheduled for 18 July 2023, this virtual event...
Now Open: Late Abstract Submissions

Symposia Topics Preview: 2023 Annual Conference

The 2023 Annual Conference Scientific Program includes symposium presentations, which offer multiple researchers’ perspectives on related themes, showcasing the breadth of expertise in the ISOQOL community. Presentations and debate among speakers address...

2023 Measuring What Matters in Oncology

Ashika Maharaj, BPharm PhD, and Liane Ioannou, BSC(Hons) PhD2023 Measuring What Matters Symposium Co-Chairs We are excited to host the upcoming 2023 Measuring What Matters Symposium (MWM), which will focus on MWM in Oncology: Translating research into clinical...
Now Open: Late Abstract Submissions

Registration Now Open for 2023 Annual Conference

ISOQOL is excited to announce that registration for the 30th Annual Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada is officially open! This year’s conference theme is 30 Years of ISOQOL: Quality of Life – making it relevant. The 2023 Annual Conference will be held 18-21...