Registration Now Open for 2023 Annual Conference

Registration Now Open for 2023 Annual Conference

ISOQOL is excited to announce that registration for the 30th Annual Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada is officially open! This year’s conference theme is 30 Years of ISOQOL: Quality of Life – making it relevant. The 2023 Annual Conference will be held 18-21...
MWM 2023 Session 1 Spotlight: Clinical Registries in Oncology

MWM 2023 Session 1 Spotlight: Clinical Registries in Oncology

Register today to attend Measuring What Matters, a symposium focused on how Australia uses clinical (quality) registries in oncology and the role of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) as part of these registries. Scheduled for 18 July 2023, this virtual event...
Registration Now Open for 2023 Annual Conference

ISOQOL 2023 Abstract Deadline Extended

Deadline Extended Through 10 April For Oral, Oral Brief, and Poster Abstracts Submissions will remain open for 2023 Annual Conference oral, oral brief, and poster presentation abstracts through 10 April at 11:59 pm CDT.  Submissions related to the theory, methods, and...
Registration Now Open for 2023 Annual Conference

2023 ISOQOL Award Nominations Now Open

Nominate a Colleague or Mentor for an ISOQOL Award Each year, ISOQOL presents awards to several of its members to honor exceptional work done in the field of health related quality of life research. Winners are announced at the Annual Conference. Nominations for...

Register Today for the 2023 Measuring What Matters Symposium

Register today to attend Measuring What Matters, a symposium focused on how Australia uses clinical (quality) registries in oncology and the role of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) as part of these registries. Scheduled for 18 July 2023, this virtual event...