Submit a Topic Proposal for Measuring What Matters 2023

Submit a Topic Proposal for Measuring What Matters 2023

ISOQOL holds an annual symposium focused broadly on Measuring What Matters and is currently seeking topic proposals for the July 2023 symposium. ISOQOL is seeking to identify and address topics of importance to our members and the HRQL field. Topics may be: a...
Measuring What Matters Speaker Spotlights: Carrie Houts, Don Hedeker, and Willie Muehlhausen

Measuring What Matters Speaker Spotlight: Bray Patrick-Lake

Have you ever had to have a box constantly strapped to your chest that shows from under your clothes, sleep in a helmet, and answer the same question every day for 365 days? How would that make you feel? How likely would you be to do it? The 2021 Measuring What...
Measuring What Matters Speaker Spotlights: Carrie Houts, Don Hedeker, and Willie Muehlhausen

Register Today for the 2021 Measuring What Matters Symposium

Register today to attend Measuring What Matters, a symposium focused on intensive longitudinal measurement. Scheduled for 19-20 July 2021, this virtual event will consist of session presentations and live Q&As with the speakers. Recordings of the symposium will be...
Save the Date: Measuring What Matters 2021

Save the Date: Measuring What Matters 2021

Intensive longitudinal measurement:Methodologies for collecting, analyzing and interpreting patient-generated data from daily diaries, wearables and sensors 19-20 July 2021Chicago/O’Hare, USA Schedule:  Monday, 19 July | 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm Tuesday, 20 July | 9:00...