2024 is drawing to a close. It has been a year of exciting milestones for ISOQOL, including the 31st Annual Conference with a record-breaking number of abstract submissions, the Virtual Measuring What Matters Symposium on social determinants of health, development of...
“Quality of life dimensions in people living with mental disorders: moving beyond global scores” Submissions are now open. The Editors of Quality of Life Research are planning a special issue to increase the awareness of and reliance on the...
It’s time to renew your ISOQOL membership; renewals are open now through 31 January, and can be completed at the ISOQOL website.* Why renew? ISOQOL members belong to a global community of researchers, clinicians, industry professionals, regulatory leaders, patients,...
Submissions are now open for 2025 Annual Conference workshop proposals and symposium abstracts. The conference theme is Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Quality of Life Research. The 2025 Annual Conference will be held 22-25 October 2025, in Milwaukee,...
Interview with: Michael Brundage, MDQueen’s University The President’s Award is awarded to individuals who have advanced health related quality of life (HRQL) research and made outstanding contributions to the ISOQOL in one or more of the following areas:...