Register today to attend Measuring What Matters, a symposium focused on associations between social determinants of health (SDoH), chronic disease, and health outcomes, including health related quality of life (HRQL). Scheduled for 16-17 July 2024, this virtual event...
ISOQOL continues to offer web-based learning opportunities about prominent topics in health related quality of life research and professional development. Organized by the Statistics SIG, the Communicating the Patient Voice with PROs: Making the Most of PRO Data from...
Register today to attend Measuring What Matters 2024, a symposium focused on associations between social determinants of health, chronic disease, and health outcomes, including health related quality of life. Scheduled for 16-17 July 2024, this virtual event will...
Nominate a Colleague or Mentor for an ISOQOL Award Each year, ISOQOL presents awards to several of its members to honor exceptional work done in the field of health related quality of life research. Winners are announced at the Annual Conference. Nominations for...
Travel scholarships provide an opportunity for eligible ISOQOL members to access the educational content of the Annual Conference, present their research, meet with their peers, and establish research contacts. These scholarships include Annual Conference...