Scholarships and Awards

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Travel Scholarships

Travel scholarships provide an opportunity for eligible ISOQOL members to access the educational content of the Annual Conference, present their research, meet with their peers, and establish research contacts.

ISOQOL offers three types of travel scholarships for the Annual Conference:

  • Developing Country
  • Student and New Investigator
  • Patient Research Partner

Are you interested in contributing to the scholarship fund? Visit the Travel Scholarship Program page to learn more about the #MovethePlane fundraiser.

Developing Country & Student and New Investigator Scholarships

Applicants must be ISOQOL members and submit an abstract to be considered for a travel scholarship.

The ISOQOL Developing Country & Student and New Investigator Travel Scholarship Program was developed to increase the opportunity for members in the early stages of their careers, and for members from developing countries, to attend and present at the Annual Conference by providing funds to help defray travel expenses. Members who meet eligibility requirements can apply for both scholarships.

Eligible applicants for the Developing Country Scholarship are current ISOQOL members who hold their primary residence in one of the eligible developing countries: List of Eligible Countries

Eligible applicants for the Student and New Investigator Scholarship are current ISOQOL members and either a current student or new investigator (within 5 years of completing a terminal degree or medical residency).

Patient Research Partner (PRP) Scholarship

In order to contribute to the advancement of patient engagement in outcomes research, ISOQOL has funding for selected PRPs with relevant experience to attend the ISOQOL Annual Conference. The primary objectives for this participation are to:

  • Collaborate with the Patient Engagement Special Interest Group (SIG) to attend and contribute to specific educational sessions at the Annual Conference.
  • Participate in the scientific program to contribute to the patient perspective. This may include serving on a panel discussion group at the conference.
  • Promote participation of PRPs in activities related to the active engagement of patient partners in research of relevance to the ISOQOL community.

PRPs will be selected based upon their experience as active partners in research programs (particularly those relevant to the ISOQOL community), and their potential to contribute to programs during this conference and in the future. In this context, we are defining PRPs as patients who have actively contributed to the design, development, delivery and/or evaluation of research projects and not solely as patients who have participated as research participants.

Note: All applications must be accompanied by a letter of reference from a current ISOQOL member who will be attending the Annual Conference to participate in the patient engagement activities mentioned above. You should be prepared to upload a copy of this letter at the conclusion of the application submission.

Scholarship Application Deadlines

Travel Scholarship Application submissions are now closed. 

Applications will be reviewed by the ISOQOL Scholarship Committee. Notifications will be sent in June. Scholarship funds will be provided as reimbursement following the conference. Advance funds will not be available.

Contact with any questions regarding the Scholarship Program.


Each year, ISOQOL presents awards to several of its members to honor exceptional work done in the field of health related quality of life research. Winners are announced at the Annual Conference.

Awards include:

  • President’s Award
  • Donna Lamping Emerging Leader Award
  • Outstanding Volunteer Service Award
  • Dennis Revicki Memorial Award
  • JPRO Outstanding Article of the Year
  • QLR Outstanding Article of the Year
  • Outstanding Poster Award
  • Student/New Investigator Outstanding Oral and Poster Awards

Articles, posters, and oral presentations are considered for these honors at the time of their submission. Nominations for the President’s Award, Emerging Leader Award, and Outstanding Volunteer Service Award, and applications for the Dennis Revicki Memorial Award must be submitted to ISOQOL for consideration.

2024 nominations are now closed. 

Learn about the award criteria, eligibility and nomination information.

Our 2024 Sponsors





Special thanks to our past sponsors

Interested in being a sponsor? Learn more here. 

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.