Updated 10 June 2024

Abstract Publications

Who retains the copyright for abstracts?

Copyright of the written abstracts remains with the Quality of Life Research journal, where the abstracts are published.

Who retains the copyright for posters or presentation slides?

For virtual conferences: The published video for oral/oral brief/symposium presentations and published digital iPosters for poster presentations are copyright of ISOQOL and should not be re-published elsewhere without permission.

For in-person meetings: The physical graphic paper poster (used prior to 2020 and resuming in 2023) and the slides used for oral/brief presentations are not “published” anywhere for posterity, thus the copyright remains with the author/creator.

Does ISOQOL accept encore abstracts at its Annual Conference?

No. ISOQOL requires abstracts to be original work. Research that has been presented or published prior to the time of abstract submission will not be considered for the ISOQOL Annual Conference. Because of this, encore abstracts/presentations are not accepted.

You may submit your abstract for consideration at another conference. However, if it is accepted in both places, and you prefer to have it published in their journal, you must notify the ISOQOL Office and withdraw your abstract.

Does ISOQOL allow abstracts to be submitted as encore to other conferences?

No. You should not resubmit an abstract that was presented at ISOQOL and published in the QLR Abstract Supplement to another conference/another journal, as that would mean duplicating the publication. ISOQOL calls for original work in its journals.

Does ISOQOL accept late-breaking abstracts or late submissions?

No. ISOQOL does not accept late-breaking abstracts or late submissions. Abstracts must be submitted by the posted deadline for the applicable category in order to undergo peer review and be considered for inclusion in the scientific program.

What is the embargo period for submitting manuscripts to another journal?

If you choose to submit the full manuscript to another journal publication, you may do so. There is not an embargo period for this. Of course, we encourage ISOQOL attendees to submit their research to ISOQOL’s Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes or to the ISOQOL-affiliated and Springer-owned Quality of Life Research journal.

Is there an embargo period for presentations?

ISOQOL does not have an embargo period that restricts authors from discussing the work. Each abstract selected for presentation should represent complete and original results. This abstract should not be presented or published elsewhere prior to the ISOQOL Annual Conference.

Do I need to submit my presentation slides for approval prior to the Annual Conference?

No. For accepted abstracts (which underwent peer review and selection by the Scientific Committee), ISOQOL does not require presenters to submit their presentation slides for approval ahead of time.

Does ISOQOL have a Speaker Ready Room?

No. Presenters must arrive in the conference room early, at least 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the session, to upload the presentation deck, check the equipment, and allow for ample time for AV technician support in the instance of a technical difficulty.

New to 2024, Oral and Oral Brief presenters now have the option to upload their presentation slides to a Dropbox folder hosted by ISOQOL. The Dropbox folder is an alternative to using a USB flash drive and is not a speaker ready room.

More information is available in the applicable Presentation Guidelines sections on the Abstract Information page.

When will the Abstract Supplement be available?

The digital Quality of Life Research Journal Abstract Supplement will be available online after the Annual Conference, by the end of November. Only abstracts presented at the conference will be published in the Abstract Supplement.

Conference attendees will have early access to the abstract text via the mobile app at the beginning of the conference.

Poster Hall

How can I submit a poster abstract?

Abstract submissions for 2024 Annual Conference oral, oral brief, and poster presentations are now closed. Visit the Abstract Information page for more information.

What is the format of the Poster Hall?

​The ISOQOL Annual Conference hosts a traditional poster hall with physical printed posters. More information about poster presentations and printing requirements is available here.

Do I need to bring a printed poster?

Yes. All posters accepted for presentation must be physically printed and will be displayed on poster boards. Poster presenters are responsible for printing their posters.

For more information on poster presentation guidelines, click here.

How will I present my poster?

Individual abstracts that are accepted as poster presentations will be assigned to a poster session.

Poster sessions are 40 minutes long. Poster presenters should prepare a three (3) minute presentation and be able to discuss their research with their peers. Presenters must stand in front of their posters during their allotted poster session.

For more information on poster presentation guidelines, click here.

Can I include a QR code on my printed/physical poster?

Yes. QR codes are allowed within presentations, so long as the linked website/file does not market a product.

Will poster presenters be required to register for the in-person conference?

All accepted abstract presenters (including posters) must register and present in-person during their allotted time.


Will a hybrid version of the conference be available?

No. Hybrid/virtual options will not be offered at this meeting. All sessions (including the plenaries, symposia, oral presentations and the poster hall) will take place in-person. The sessions will not be recorded nor streamed live.

Important: All presenters are expected to travel to Cologne, Germany to present their research in-person.

When will I be able to register for the Annual Conference?

Registration for the ISOQOL Annual Conference is now open! Visit the Registration page for more details.


Will a printed final program be available at the conference?

In an effort to support the ISOQOL “Going Green” initiative, the final program will be available digitally on the mobile app to all conference attendees. A printed daily agenda will be available at the registration desk by request only. The abstract title, all contributing authors, and the entire abstract will still be published in the digital Quality of Life Research Journal Abstract Supplement and will be available through the conference mobile app. Thank you for supporting our environment-conscious efforts to go green.

Where can I find information for abstract presentation guidelines?

Presentation guidelines for oral, oral brief and poster abstracts are available here.

How do I share my slides for an oral/oral brief presentation?

New to 2024, Oral and Oral Brief presenters now have the option to upload their presentation slides to a Dropbox folder hosted by ISOQOL. The Dropbox link will be made available in September.

More information is available in the applicable Presentation Guidelines sections here.

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The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.